A Beauty With The Brains

Getting To know Lisa Nolan

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Graduated as a Sports Physiotherapist, DCU

I caught up with the beautiful Lisa Nolan,  a well known Irish Model. Not only has she established herself as a full-time fixture on the Irish modelling scene, she is also a qualified Sports Physiotherapist from DCU. We sit down to chat about her modelling career, the highlights, the challenges and whether the temptation ever took hold to leave the books and stick with modelling? 

Not at all Lisa exclaims, I come from a very education centered background, so leaving college was never, ever an option. My degree is Physiotherapy was really important to me. My mum is currently on her way to gaining a PHD and I am so proud of her. I’m currently at a cross roads, sort of like an ‘eat, pray, love’ situation about what to do next, but then I look at my mom who is 50 and about to do a PHD and I realise I don’t need to worry. My parents always wanted me to get my qualification, but modelling was a great way to earn money throughout college and I love it.

When did you first start modelling? ‘I was working for a promotions company and they recommended me to a modelling agency up north. I was put forward for Ms. Ireland and I became Ms. Antrim, despite not being from there. All my work was up North so it all started from there and then I was signed to Assets. Luckily, I’ve been working with them ever since. Did you always want to model? Lisa laughs when I ask her this,  I had photos of myself on Bebo, so I liked the idea of being a model from then on. My mum, my granny and my aunties always told me I was very pretty, but I think that is what all mums and grannies do.’


Do yoIn the Mix 188u ever find that you’re under a lot of pressure to maintain yourself? ‘I enjoy it! Yes of course there is a lot of maintenance, but I like taking care of myself, taking care of my body, and being healthy and fit.’ What have been the career highlights so far? ‘Definitely the great friends I have made, meeting girls with a similar interests was brilliant. I remember one particular photocall I did for a charity, we abseiled off the Aviva, it was an incredible experience. I was also recently modelling for Wrangler Jeans and I got some free jeans. Perks like that are always amazing.’


Did you ever run into some challenging situations? ‘Yes I was 18 years of age at the time and I was called for an audition for ‘The Game of Thrones’ up in Belfast. I was offered this great lucrative contract and I was so young at the time I thought it was brilliant. The show was unknown to everyone then. When I arrived on set, I was asked to do a very sexualised scene and to do it topless. I just said to myself ‘I can’t do this’, I left the set, rang my mum and drove home.  Even to this day, I am so happy I didn’t do it.I left with my dignity intact.’


When did work start coming in from the UK? ‘This happened as I was working on a project over in the UK and some television producers put me in contact with some modelling agencies. So I’ve been over and back ever since.’ How does it compare to the Irish scene? ‘It is totally different, it is so cut throat, the competition is on a completely different level.’


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What tips would you give to young girls who struggle with their confidence? ‘I have a 14 year old sister and I think they are under far more pressure than when I was 14. I think there is far more pressure on young girls to be older and to take photos of themselves on Facebook. I’m 24 now but when I was 14 I would be dancing around in my jelly shoes, singing to spice girls, without a care in the world. I would advise girls and women alike, not to follow the crowd. Do your own thing and that will keep you confident.’

Share a secret beauty tip with us Gold Girls? ‘At the moment it would have to be dandelion root tablets or the dandelion root herbal tea. I get bloated quite a lot and I find it quite common with women. It flushes out all the toxins in your liver and reduces bloating so it is great for me and great for women.’

So when you’re not modelling what do you like to do to relax? ‘I’m very outdoorsy, I love being out in the fresh air and going for a hike up Glendalough. I am also with  my boyfriend Harry, for over a year and a half now, we’re joint at the hip.’










f: Gold Girl Blog

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